Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual

Page 155

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Editing Document


Printgroove POD Ready


To edit the properties of a selected Product, follow these steps:


Select document node in [Document] sheet of [Document Panel].


Select [Document] - [Product Type] menu or select [Product Type] from
[Property Panel] menu.
[Product Type Panel] appears.


If necessary, change the Product Type using list of [Product Type].

[Product Type] is selected based on the details present in the Job
Ticket. If the Job Ticket does not provide the details for selecting
the Product Type then by default [Other] is selected. If you are cre-
ating a new job then based on the Product Type is selected in the
[Startup] screen is selected.


If necessary, change the Print Type.

Single Sided: You can print on only the front side of paper.

Double Sided: You can print on the both sides of paper.

Booklet: You can automatically impose pages and print with set-
tings of double sided and folded like a booklet. Selecting [Booklet
Shrink to Fit] reduces the originals to the specified paper size, thus
allowing originals for two pages to be printed.
ex.: Selecting A4 for a paper size allows you to print originals for
two pages on an A4 sheet of paper to make a booklet of A5 size.

Adhesive Binding: You can bind the printed document with glue.


If necessary, specify whether perfect binding is required (check: on) or
not (check: off) at [Perfect Binding].

You can specify this option when [Product Type] is [Perfect Binding
Single Sided] or [Perfect Binding Double Sided].


If necessary, specify whether 2 pages need to be printed on single
sheet (check: on) or not (check: off) at [2 in 1].

When you check this item, then select [2 in 1] or [2 Repeat].


If necessary, change the side for performing the binding operation us-
ing list of [Binding].

You can select from [Left], [Right] or [Top].