Konica Minolta Printgroove User Manual

Page 146

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Editing Document


Printgroove POD Ready


To add Header/Footer on pages, follow these steps:


Select [Document] - [Add/Edit Header and Footer] menu.
[Add/Edit Header and Footer] dialog appears.


Select font, font size, alignment and color for Header/Footer on [Font].

Font Face: You can select the font for text to be used in the Header/
Footer from the available fonts on the Printgroove POD Ready ma-

size: You can specify the font size within the range of 6-72 points.

underline: You can alternately underline and remove the text.

color: Click the color tip and display [Select a Color] dialog. Then
you can select the font color and click [OK].


Specify the margin to [Top], [Bottom], [Left] and [Right].

Top: You can specify the vertical interval of Header from the mar-
gin, within the range of -22 mm to 22 mm ("-": toward inside, "+":
toward outside).

Bottom: You can specify the vertical interval of Footer from the
margin, within the range of -22 mm to 22 mm ("-": toward inside,
"+": toward outside).