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In order to avoid errors, the corrected mass value is accompanied by <
symbol visible on balance’s display and a printout.
2. The application semi-automatically determines the value of air density. The
specified density of the weighed sample is inserted to balance’s memory by
an operator.
Determination of air density is carried out using a set of two mass
standards. One of them is made of stainless steel, and the other of
aluminum. Based on mass indications of the two standards, the software
automatically calculated the air density and saves the value in balance’s
memory on operator’s confirmation. Then the density of weighed sample
has to be inserted to balance’s memory.
On inserting these values the application automatically calculates the
correction factor for weighed mass and indicates corrected value of
weighed mass on balance’s display.
As in case 1, the corrected mass value is accompanied by <
> symbol
visible on balance’s display and a printout.
Air buoyancy conmpensation mode is enabled / disabled from the level of user
menu. The application is operating in weighing mode only.
While in main window press grey coloured workspace
Select option
Select parameter <
Air buoyancy compensation>
Accessible settings
- Air buoyancy compensation – YES/NO
- Sample density (insert the density value of weighed sample). If an
operator uses products from databases, then on product selection
its density value is automatically uploaded.
- Air density – for selecting the means of inserting the air density
value used for calculating buoyancy correction factor.
VALUE – selecting this option opens a window for inserting
determined value of air density (e.g.: determined using other
methods). The inserted value is used to calculating buoyancy
compensation factor. The value is assigned automatically on
carrying out the air density determination (on its completion by
pressing <
> key).