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- Nominal value of a controlled product
- Average mass of a controlled product
- Value of disqualifying average
- Negative errors T characteristics per sample:
-9g – value of negative error T,
T Max – tolerable number of negative errors T,
n - actual number of negative errors T
- Negative errors 2T characteristics per sample:
-18g - value of negative error 2T,
2T Max - tolerable number of negative errors 2T,
n - actual number of negative errors 2T
- Net mass of a controlled product
- Packaging tare
- Control status: positive, negative
Load full
- Command for process in progress with specified
number of all packagings to be weighed
- Work pane options: numerical data / graph
- Information about control or performed control
measurements indications
- Abortion of a control process
Control status
Control status is presented by the following pictograms:
- positive,
- negative (control of sample 2 permitted)
- negative
For status
respective field of a work pane turns to yellow:
- yellow warns that occurrence of another T error
will end with negative result of control.
For status
respective field of a work pane turns to red:
- average mass of controlled product is lower than
disqualifying average value