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2 – cancelling key

3 – accepting key

4 – download a printout template from a file

5 – list of variables for use while designing a printout

6 – delete all printout content

7 – printout editing field

Save designed printout


To erase characters in a printout press Back key. To move cursor press navigating


Example of Printout no. 1 – use of large editing field

Balance no. 400015

Balance parameters:

Max = 220 g

d= 0.001 g

Product name:

Date: 2011.10.24

Time: 11:48:06


Working mode: Weighing


Net weight: 94.147

Carried by: Admin


Printout template

Example of Printout no. 2 – printout template from a file

All printout templates can be designed in a form of external files, that are

imported to a balance. A file with printout template has to have an extension:

*.txt or *.lb and contain all constant and variable data. On importing, the

content of a printout template can be modified.


Design a *.txt or *.lb file in an optional editor

Copy the file to a data storage device

Connect the data storage device to balance’s USB port

press [4] <

download a printout template from a file > key

balance’s display shows data stored on the data storage device

connected to the USB port

search for a file with printout template and press its name

the printout template is automatically copied to an editing field