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of <3> from all samples in a series, for which this measurement is
available (a condition is competing Weighing A for the sample).
During process the bottom bar and the workspace display promps on the
following steps for a user to follow.
In case tare is assigned to a sample, then its value is indicated on the
displayed with minus sign.
Place a sample on balance’s weighing pan (if tare is applied, then place a
sample into the container) and press <
> key.
On pressing the above key, a window is displayed for inserting ambient
temperature and humidity value – if option
the ambient conditions module and displayed for confirmation – if option
If option
On accepting the ambient conditions by pressing <
> key, the software
returns to the mode’s main window and displays a command on unloading
the sample from the weighing pan (displayed in the message bar).
The user should unload the sample from balance’s weighing pan and accept
the activity by pressing <
> key.
The software automatically moves to the following sample in a series.
Follow above procedure and weigh the following samples.
The process can be aborted by pressing <
> key.
On completing measurements of final mass for the samples in a series, the
user can check the results in the database of series.
To check the results, enter the database of series and select a series, then a
sample and a specific sample for which
On previewing a specific weighing, a window is opened with data and values on
the weighing process. Numbers displayed next to weighing data denote
measuring cycles.
Data on a specific series can be printed or exported to a file.