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Below list provides the functions of only those soft keys, that are absent in
working mode “Weighing”
Weighing A
Start sampling of initial mass of the sample. The process is
carried out as an separate activity.
Weighing (T+A)
Start weighing a container for the sample (tarring) with automatic,
carried out instantly after tarring, sample’s weighing process (non-
separable activities). On process initiation, the software orders
setting name of a sample.
Tare (T)
Weighing a container for a sample, carried out as a separate
process. On process initiation, the software orders setting name of
a sample.
Weighing B
Start sampling of the final mass of the sample. Causes
activating differential weighing mode.
Quick access key enabling selecting a sample for which the
differential weighing process should be carried out.
Quick access key for selecting a sample for currently carried out
process in a selected series.
Copy tare
The quick access key enabling copying tare value determined for a
given sample, to all samples in a current series, and samples which
do not having tare value assigned.
Delete value
Pressing the quick access key causes deleting last saved mass
value (tare, weighing A or weighing B).
Add sample
Pressing the quick access key causes entering a window with on-
screen keyboard, for inserting name of an added sample. The
mandatory condition is first selecting a series in which a sample
should be added, and not starting the weighing process.