Appendinx e - settings of zebra printers, Appendix f – communication with barcode scanners – RADWAG BALANCES 3Y SERIES User Manual

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44. APPENDINX E - Settings of ZEBRA printers

Baud rate – 9600b/sec

Parity control – none

Bits – 8bit

Stop bits – 1 bit

Data on a printout from a printer regarding RS 232:
Serial port : 96, N, 8, 1

Means of activating an information (test) printout and carrying out changes in

printer’s settings is specified in a user manual of ZEBRA printers.

45. APPENDIX F – Communication with barcode scanners

1. For communication with barcode scanners RADWAG balances 3Y series use

RS232 interfaces and simplex transmission (one direction) without

handshaking. Only two wires are required for assuring such a transmission.

Therefore, used scanners should be equipped in such interface with disabled

both hardware and software handshaking.

2. Both balances and scanners have the possibility of setting of transmission

parameters. Both devices are required to have the same parameters set :

baud rate, number of data bits, parity control, stop bits. e.g. 9600,8,N,1 –

baud rate 9600 bit/s , data 8-bits, no parity control, 1 stop bit.

3. Barcode scanners can send additional information apart from the expected

barcode e.g. type of barcode. It is advisable to disable such information

because RADWAG devices and software do not use it.

4. Some RADWAG systems can omit unnecessary information by using

parameters that mark the beginning and the length of the code required to


5. Should a barcode be recognized by a balance, it needs to have some

particular features. A code requires programming a characteristics prefix and

suffix. In a standard accepted by RADWAG, a prefix is a sign (byte) 01

hexadecimal and a suffix is a sign (byte) 0D hexadecimal.

6. Most barcode scanners allow to enable/disable different barcode types.

7. Programming of scanners is usually performed by reading special barcodes

or by using an external software tool.