Viewing the audit log, Creating a datastore, Create a datastore using the vsphere web client – HP OneView for VMware vCenter User Manual

Page 83: Viewing the audit log creating a datastore, Hosts, Clusters

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Viewing the audit log

The StoreFront Module for vCenter provides an audit log for provisioning operations. The audit
log, provisionAuditLog.txt, is available in the following directory:


Creating a datastore

You can create a new datastore on a host or cluster that meets the following prerequisites.


The host must exist in the vSphere Client.

In an FC environment, the SAN must be zoned between the storage pools and the host.

The host must be configured as a hostgroup or host on the array.

HP StoreVirtual arrays in an iSCSI environment only:

The iSCSI initiator on the host must be installed and configured.

The iSCSI array IP address or hostname must be configured in the iSCSI initiator's dynamic
discovery list on the host.


The cluster and its hosts must exist in the vSphere Client.

In an FC environment, the SAN must be zoned between the storage pools and the cluster

The cluster hosts must be configured as hostgroups or hosts on the array.

The cluster hosts can belong to separate hostgroups.


The StoreFront Module for vCenter does not support configurations that have all

cluster hosts in a single hostgroup.

HP StoreVirtual arrays in an iSCSI environment only:

The iSCSI initiator on all cluster hosts must be installed and configured.

The iSCSI array IP address or hostname must be configured in the iSCSI initiator's dynamic
discovery list on all cluster hosts.

Create a datastore using the vSphere Web Client

Use this procedure with the VMware 5.5 vSphere Web Client. If you are using the VMware 5.1
vSphere Web Client, follow the procedure in

“Create a datastore using the vSphere Client”

(page 89)


After the new datastore is created by the plug-in, the new volume is shown in HP OneView; and
when a new volume is created in HP OneView, you can manage it from the plug-in. To ensure that
the new volume is available to HP OneView and the plug-in:

The HP OneView server profile corresponding to an ESX Host that is managed by the plug-in
must be created in HP OneView.

The same storage systems must be configured in the plug-in and in HP OneView.

The same CPGs must be configured in the plug-in and in HP OneView.

To add a datastore to a host or cluster:

Start the vSphere Web Client and access HP Management.

Viewing the audit log