HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual
3par, System reporter 2.8 user’s guide
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Table of Contents
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Overview and Features
- 3 Installation, Configuration, Update, and Removal
- 4 Getting Started
- 5 Accessing and Creating Reports
- 6 Interpreting Report Metrics
- 7 Configuring the System Reporter Policy Settings
- 8 Web Queries
- 9 Using Adaptive Optimization
- 10 Database Schema
- 11 Troubleshooting
- IX Index
- RH Revision History
- Introduction
- Overview and Features
- 2.1 About 3PAR System Reporter
- 2.2 Configuring System Reporter Policy Settings
- 2.3 Choosing a Method for Accessing Reports
- 2.4 Creating Customized Reports
- 2.5 Formatting Reports for Presentation
- 2.6 Customizing the Reporting Format
- 2.7 Generating Email Alerts
- 2.8 Accessing Report Data using Web Queries
- 2.9 Using the Database Schema to Build Custom Reports
- 2.10 Analyzing and Optimizing Storage Utilization
- Installation, Configuration, Update, and Removal
- 3.1 Before You Begin
- 3.2 System Reporter CD Contents
- 3.3 System Requirements
- 3.4 Using the System Reporter Sizing Spreadsheet
- 3.5 System Reporter Components
- 3.6 Installing the System Reporter Components
- 3.7 Installing the Web Server
- 3.8 Installing the Database Server
- 3.9 Installing or Upgrading the System Reporter Tools
- 3.10 Installing the Excel Client (Optional)
- 3.11 About Apache HTTP Server Authorization and Access Control
- 3.12 Removing the System Reporter Components
- Getting Started
- 4.1 Accessing the Main System Reporter Interface
- 4.2 System Reporter Main Menu Window
- 4.3 Getting Help
- 4.4 Using the Object Selection Controls
- 4.5 Accessing the Optional Excel Client
- 4.6 Changing the Excel Client Server and Resetting the Workbook
- 4.7 Accessing the Excel Client Query Log
- 4.8 Deleting Excel Sheets
- 4.9 Saving and Exiting the Excel Client
- Accessing and Creating Reports
- 5.1 Accessing Quick Reports
- 5.2 Accessing Scheduled Reports
- 5.3 Creating Custom Reports
- 5.3.1 Building the Report Menu
- 5.3.2 Generating the Report
- 5.3.3 Controls Available by Report
- 5.3.4 Report Selection
- 5.3.5 Time Selection
- 5.3.6 Object Selection
- Select PDIDs
- Include Chunklets
- Select Cage IDs
- Select Disk Types
- Select Disk Speed
- Include PDs in States
- Select Usr CPGs
- Select Snp CPGs
- Select CPGs
- Select LDs
- Select RAID Types
- Select LD Usage
- Select VVs
- Select Prov Types
- Select VV Types
- Select Ports (n:s:p)
- Select Port Types
- Select Hosts
- Select Nodes
- Select To Nodes
- Select Queues
- 5.3.7 Format Selection (Web interface only)
- 5.4 Working with Excel Charts
- Interpreting Report Metrics
- Configuring the System Reporter Policy Settings
- 7.1 Accessing the System Reporter Policies
- 7.2 Configuring Sampling Policies
- 7.3 Adding, Removing and Re-Configuring InServ Storage Systems
- 7.4 Configuring Rules for Email Alerts
- 7.5 Scheduling Reports
- 7.6 Configuring Adaptive Optimization
- 7.7 About File Permissions
- 7.8 Modifying the Apache HTTP Server Configuration Files
- Web Queries
- 8.1 About Web Queries
- 8.2 Data Format Version Report
- 8.3 About Reports and Options
- 8.4 Report Options
- 8.4.1 category
- 8.4.2 compare
- 8.4.3 comparesel
- 8.4.4 table
- 8.4.5 refresh
- 8.4.6 charttab
- 8.4.7 charttype
- 8.4.8 graphx
- 8.4.9 graphy
- 8.4.10 graphlegpos
- 8.4.11 tableformat
- 8.4.12 alllabels
- 8.4.13 timeform
- 8.4.14 begintsecs
- 8.4.15 endtsecs
- 8.4.16 groupby
- 8.4.17 orderby
- 8.4.18 histbegin
- 8.4.19 ldspaceunit
- 8.4.20 pdspaceunit
- 8.4.21 vvspaceunit
- 8.4.22 selcageid
- 8.4.23 selchunks
- 8.4.24 selcpg
- 8.4.25 selusrcpg
- 8.4.26 selsnpcpg
- 8.4.27 seldisktype
- 8.4.28 seldiskspeed
- 8.4.29 seldomain
- 8.4.30 selhost
- 8.4.31 selld
- 8.4.32 sellduse
- 8.4.33 selnode
- 8.4.34 selnsp
- 8.4.35 selpdid
- 8.4.36 selpdstate
- 8.4.37 selporttype
- 8.4.38 selraidtype
- 8.4.39 selsys
- 8.4.40 selvv
- 8.4.41 selvvtype
- 8.4.42 selprovtype
- 8.5 Report Types
- 8.6 Summary Report
- 8.7 Space Reports
- 8.8 Performance Reports
- 8.8.1 pd_perf_time
- 8.8.2 pd_perf_group
- 8.8.3 pd_svt_hist
- 8.8.4 pd_svt_histvstime
- 8.8.5 port_perf_time
- 8.8.6 port_perf_group
- 8.8.7 port_svt_hist
- 8.8.8 port_svt_histvstime
- 8.8.9 ld_perf_time
- 8.8.10 ld_perf_group
- 8.8.11 ld_svt_hist
- 8.8.12 ld_svt_histvstime
- 8.8.13 vlun_perf_time
- 8.8.14 vlun_perf_group
- 8.8.15 vlun_svt_hist
- 8.8.16 vlun_svt_histvstime
- 8.8.17 vv_cmp_time
- 8.8.18 vv_cmp_group
- 8.8.19 cpu_perf_time
- 8.8.20 cpu_perf_group
- 8.9 Adaptive Optimization Reports
- 8.10 Options Available by Report
- 8.11 Objects Present Reports
- 8.11.1 objectpres= cageid
- 8.11.2 objectpres= cpg_name
- 8.11.3 objectpres= diskspeed
- 8.11.4 objectpres= disktype
- 8.11.5 objectpres= domain_name
- 8.11.6 objectpres= host_name
- 8.11.7 objectpres= ld_name
- 8.11.8 objectpres=node
- 8.11.9 objectpres=pdid
- 8.11.10 objectpres=port
- 8.11.11 objectpres= system
- 8.11.12 objectpres= vv_name
- 8.11.13 objectpres= vv_name_nosnap
- 8.11.14 objecctpres= porttype
- 8.11.15 sample_times
- Using Adaptive Optimization
- 9.1 Overview
- 9.2 Selecting an InServ for Adaptive Optimization
- 9.3 Configuring Adaptive Optimization
- 9.3.1 Tier Definition (CPG Name and GiB)
- 9.3.2 Schedule
- 9.3.3 Measurement Hours
- 9.3.4 Adaptive Optimization Mode
- 9.3.5 Adaptive Optimization Active
- 9.3.6 Adding an Adaptive Optimization Configuration
- 9.3.7 Changing an Adaptive Optimization Configuration
- 9.3.8 Removing an Adaptive Optimization Configuration
- 9.4 Adaptive Optimization Reports
- 9.5 The showvvcpg CLI extension
- Database Schema
- 10.1 Using The Database Schema
- 10.2 Table Versions and Naming Conventions
- 10.3 Administrative Tables
- 10.4 The Sample Data and Inventory Tables
- 10.4.1 The pdspace Table
- 10.4.2 The pdspaceinv Table
- 10.4.3 The ldspace Table
- 10.4.4 The ldspaceinv Table
- 10.4.5 The vvspace Table
- 10.4.6 The vvspaceinv Table
- 10.4.7 The cpgspace Table
- 10.4.8 The cpgspaceinv Table
- 10.4.9 Common Performance Table Columns
- 10.4.10 The statpd Table
- 10.4.11 The statpdinv Table
- 10.4.12 The statld Table
- 10.4.13 The statldinv Table
- 10.4.14 The statport Table
- 10.4.15 The statportinv Table
- 10.4.16 The statvlun Table
- 10.4.17 The statvluninv Table
- 10.4.18 The statvvcmp Table
- 10.4.19 The statvvcmpinv Table
- 10.4.20 The statcpu Table
- 10.4.21 The statcpuinv Table
- 10.4.22 The statlink Table
- 10.4.23 The statlinkinv Table
- 10.4.24 The statldrg Table
- 10.4.25 The statldrg_timeinv Table
- 10.4.26 The perf_timeinv Table
- 10.4.27 The space_timeinv Table
- Troubleshooting
- Index
- Revision History