5 time selection, 1 reload after (mins), 2 begin/at time – HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual

Page 123: 3 end time, Time selection, Reload after (mins), Begin/at time, End time, Rol (see, L (see on

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Creating Custom Reports

System Reporter 2.8

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

5.3.5 Time Selection Reload After (mins)

If you enter a number into the Reload After (mins) field, the browser will recompute and

reload the report periodically after the specified number of minutes. Begin/At Time

For Versus Time or Histogram Versus Time reports this control selects the beginning of the

time span of the report. For At Time or Histogram At Time reports this control selects the

sample that is used in the report. End Time

The End Time control specifies the end of the time range. It is only valid for Versus Time or

Histogram Versus Time reports.

NOTE: Reloading the report is not equivalent to periodically clicking Submit

Query. The report will be reloaded with the parameter values that were set at the

time Submit Query was clicked.

Table 5-9. Begin/At Time




Begin with the earliest sample available.

a list of specific time


Begin at the specified time value. The values in the menu are

populated based on the actual samples in the selected data


a list of relative time


Begin at the specified time before the current time.

NOTE: Since the Summary Report requires data from both Space and Performance

samples, the Begin/At Time control will only include times that have both space

and performance samples.