HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual

Page 46

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System Reporter Components

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8

A separate inservsample process is created for each InServ system being sampled. This

process in turn creates a separate CLI process that runs the sampler script which logs

into the array and collects the required data. The inservsample process then inserts the

data into the database. Along with the tables that contain the space and performance

data, the database also includes inventory tables that allow quicker creation of report

menus. The inservsample process also update the inventory tables.

For MySQL and Oracle databases, the sampleloop service/daemon creates separate

process to maintain the database (since SQLite supports limited concurrency, these

functions are performed by the sampleloop process). These include:

The trimdb process removes samples that are older than the sample retention period

specified in the sampling policies (see

7.2 Configuring Sampling Policies


page 7.2).

The dedupinv process removes duplicate entries from the inventory tables.

The compactdb process periodically compacts and optimizes the database when


Adaptive Optimization components. The sampleloop process also creates a regionmover

process for each InServ array for which Adaptive Optimization is configured (see


Selecting an InServ for Adaptive Optimization

on page 9.3). Each regionmover process

analyzes region level performance data for each Adaptive Optimization configuration and

generates region moves between tiers. The regionmover process creates a separate CLI

process that logs into the array and executes the mvrg program that executes the data

movement commands on the array.

Web server components. The 3PAR System Reporter Web server has customized scripts that

access the database to generate reports to standard browsers as clients, enabling users to

access the reports and configure System Reporter without installing any additional


Excel client. The customized 3PAR System Reporter Excel client has built-in Web queries to

the Web server. Use of the Excel client is optional, but offers you additional customization

options. You must have Microsoft® Excel® in order to use the 3PAR System Reporter Excel
