Rh.3 – HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual
Page 373

Revision History
3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide
November 2006
Fifth release of this manual to support release 2.2.
Changes include:
Changes in installation to support remote MySQL server,
specification of full CLI path.
Vertical bar charts and stacked vertical bar charts added.
Added controls to specify chart legend positions, X and Y axis pixels.
Queue length charts added for some reports.
Updated various figures to show version 2.2 screens.
Added summary report
For the browser client, the versus time, at time and histogram at
time report query panes have been combined.
Restructured chapters 4 and 7 to make them easier to read and
more concise.
May 2007
Sixth release of this manual to support release 2.3.
Changes include:
Add support for Domains in LD Space, VV Space, LD Perf, VLUN Perf
and VV Cache Perf reports. Domains are available beginning with
the 2.2.3 release of InFormOS.
to document database schema.
The policy for compacting the database has been enhanced. It will
now allow compaction immediately or daily.
Disk Type and Disk Speed selections have been added to the PD Perf
Disk Speed selections have been added to the PD Space reports
along with new orderby options.
VV Cache Perf reports include Read Hit% and Write Hit% metrics
along with new orderby options.
Added email alert capability.