2 configuring system reporter policy settings, Configuring system reporter policy settings – HP 3PAR System Reporter Software User Manual

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Configuring System Reporter Policy Settings

3PAR System Reporter User’s Guide

System Reporter 2.8

Options for choosing the time and duration for the collection of reporting statistics which

can be initiated at a specific time, collected over a period of time, and/or compared

between a range of times.

Options for viewing and comparing report information in a variety of formats through a

selection of charts and tables.

Alerts that can be configured to send email notifications to a specified address when

certain reporting criterion are met.

Support for customized formatting of report data via the CVS file formatting standard for

inclusion in web or Excel applications.

Support for creating custom web or Excel reports using well documented Web queries.

Access to the database schema for direct queries to the reporting data stored in the

database used by System Reporter.

Inclusion of an optionally licensed component called Adaptive Optimization that can

analyze access rates for sub-volume level regions and move regions between tiers of

storage for more optimal and efficient storage utilization.

2.2 Configuring System Reporter Policy Settings

Although you can begin using System Reporter immediately after it has been installed to

quickly access reports, you may want to make some adjustments or set up some of the

capabilities for your particular operating environment by selecting the appropriate

configuration options through the Policy Settings.

The following configuration options are available from the Policy Settings:

Sampling Policies -- Specifies the report sampling policies that determine sampling

intervals, how long reports are stored, when to perform database compaction, etc.

InServ Systems -- Selects the InServ Storage Servers to include for sampling, report

generation and optional optimization. The systems are generally added during the

installation, but you can access this option to add or remove systems as needed.

Alert Rules -- Used to add, modify and remove alert rules and to specify the parameters

for generating email reports.

Scheduled Reports -- Used to add, modify, and remove scheduled reports for generation

at a specified time.