HP Color LaserJet Enterprise CM4540 MFP series User Manual
Page 381

redial interval, setting 214
setting 215
setting 216
copy jobs 177
regulatory statements
environmental product
stewardship program 341
remote configuration
digital sending utility 211
Web browser 210
Web Jetadmin 210
removing Mac software 61
repeating defects,
troubleshooting 118
Reports menu, control panel 18
required settings
country/region 207
resize documents
Macintosh 67
Windows 150
setting 221
restore factory settings 287
restoring default settings
copy 184
retention, job
modes available 157
setting options (Windows) 159
right door
jams 299
rings-to-answer 226
ruler, repetitive defect 118
SAP software 56
save to device memory
enabling 192
save to network folder
enabling 192
Save to product memory 196
Save to USB 197
save to USB
enabling 192
scale documents
Macintosh 67
Windows 150
job settings 194
scan settings
HP Embedded Web Server
Scan/Digital Send Settings menu,
control panel 27
glass cleaning 311
scanner glass
cleaning 179
scanning to e-mail
about 198
configure 199
job settings 194
LDAP support 199
recipient lists 203
sending documents 200
SMTP support 199
scanning to folder 195
scanning to product memory 196
scanning to USB 197
secuity settings
HP Embedded Web Server
encrypted hard disk 273
security features 75
security slot
locating 9
Send to E-mail
enabling 192
Send to Folder 195
sending a fax
delete multiple recipients 243
to multiple recipients 241
using fax address book
numbers 239
sending to e-mail
job settings 194
LDAP support 199
recipient lists 203
sending documents 200
SMTP support 199
Service menu, control panel 46
service settings 261
billing codes 219
dial tone detection 216
dialing mode 213
dialing prefix 216
driver presets (Mac) 66
drivers 53
drivers (Mac) 63
error correction mode 219
fax number confirmation 217
fit-to-page 231
JBIG compression 218
memory lock 247
paper tray selection 233
redial interval 214
redial-on-busy 215
redial-on-no-answer 216
required 207
resolution 221
restore factory 287
rings-to-answer 226
stamp received faxes 231
shortcuts (Windows)
creating 132
using 131
Sign in
control panel 194
signs, printing 163
sleep delay
disabling 276
enabling 276
sleep mode
disabling 275
enabling 275
Sleep Schedule
setting 276
slow fax reception 252
slow fax transmission 253
SMTP servers
connect to 199
embedded Web server 55
HP Printer Utility 64
HP Web Jetadmin 55
installing, USB connections 73
installing, wired networks 77
Mac 64
problems 318