Ldap – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual
Page 59

Enter the following information on the dialog box:
Enter the server name or IP address of the LDAP server host.
LDAP Server Host
Enter the LDAP server port (TCP port 389 for unencrypted or TLS encrypted; 636 for SSL encrypted).
Enter the LDAP base for searches. This is normally the root suffix of the directory, but you can
provide a base lower down the tree for business rules enforcement, ACLs, or performance reasons.
For example, ou=people,cd=enx,dc=net.
Base of Search
Enter the LDAP user account used to authenticate to the LDAP server to read data. This account
must have privileges to read the entire directory. Write credentials are not required. For example,
Bind DN
Enter the password for the LDAP user account.
Enter the maximum number of entries to return from the search (the default is 10). Enter 0 (zero)
for no limit.
Max Entries
Enter the local maximum search time-out value in seconds. This value determines how long the
client will wait for search results.
Max Wait Time
Select the level of entries to search:
LDAP Scope
base: search the base level entry only
sub: search the base level entry and all entries in sub-levels below the base entry
one: search all entries in the first level below the base entry, excluding the base entry
If LDAP searches should be case sensitive, check this box.
Namesearch Case
Enter the server name or IP address of the LDAP server host and the password for the LDAP user
LDAP cannot be used with Active Directory.
Configuring authentication from the GUI