Configuring authentication from the gui – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual

Page 56

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Nonvirtual attribute

Limited write DN credentials. HP recommends that you do not
use cn=Manager credentials. Instead, use an account DN with

DN name string


very restricted write permissions to the LdapConfigurationOU
and beneath.

Password for the LdapWriteDN account.

Unencrypted password string.
LDAP encrypts the string on


Supported schema for the OpenLDAP server.

Samba, posix, or user defined


Run the configuration script on the remote LDAP server

The X9000 script performs the configuration based on the template you
updated (UserConf.conf in the examples). Run the following command to validate your changes:

sh /opt/likewise/bin/ UserConf.conf –v

If the configuration looks okay, run the command with added security by removing all temporary

sh /opt/likewise/bin/ UserConf.conf -rm

If you need to troubleshoot the configuration, run the command as follows:

sh /opt/likewise/bin/ UserConf.conf

Configure LDAP authentication on the cluster nodes

You can configure LDAP authentication from the GUI, as described in the next section, or by using
the ibrix_ldapconfig command (see

“Configuring LDAP” (page 65)


Configuring authentication from the GUI

You can use the Authentication Wizard to perform the initial configuration or to modify it at a later
time. Select Cluster Configuration > File Sharing Authentication from the Navigator to open the
File Sharing Authentication Settings panel. This panel shows the current authentication configuration
on each server.

Click Authentication Wizard to start the wizard. On the Configure Options page, select the
authentication service to be applied to the servers in the cluster.


Configuring authentication for CIFS, FTP, and HTTP