5 using nfs, Exporting a file system, Export a file system using the gui – HP StoreAll Storage User Manual
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5 Using NFS
To allow NFS clients to access an X9000 file system, the file system must be exported. You can
export a file system using the GUI or CLI. By default, X9000 file systems and directories follow
POSIX semantics and file names are case-sensitive for Linux/NFS users. If you prefer to use Windows
semantics for Linux/NFS users, you can make a file system or subdirectory case-insensitive.
Exporting a file system
Exporting a file system makes local directories available for NFS clients to mount. The Fusion
Manager manages the table of exported file systems and distributes the information to the /etc/
files on the file serving nodes. All entries are automatically re-exported to NFS clients
and to the file serving node standbys unless you specify otherwise.
On the exporting file serving node, configure the number of NFS server threads based on the
expected workload. The default is 8 threads. If the node will service many clients, you can increase
the value to 16 or 64. To configure server threads, use the following command to change the
default value of RPCNFSDCOUNT in the /etc/sysconfig/nfs file from 8 to 16 or 64.
ibrix_host_tune –C –h HOSTS –o nfsdCount=64
A file system must be mounted before it can be exported.
When configuring options for an NFS export, do not use the no_subtree_check
option. This option is not compatible with the X9000 software.
Export a file system using the GUI
Use the Add a New File Share Wizard to export a file system. Select File Shares from the Navigator,
and click Add on the File Shares panel to open the wizard. On the File Share window, select the
file system to be exported, select NFS as the file sharing protocol, and enter the export path.
Using NFS