HP Virtual Connect 4Gb Fibre Channel Module for c-Class BladeSystem User Manual

Page 51

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The name of an existing shared uplink port set to use with this new network. If this
property is specified, then a valid VLAN ID must also be provided. The limit is 32

networks per shared uplink set.

VLanID (optional) The VLAN ID associated with the network (used with shared uplink port set only). The

VLAN ID is a valid number between 1 and 4094.

State (optional) Enables or disables the network. Valid values are "Enabled" and "Disabled". The

default value is "Enabled".



Enables or disables the network to act as a native VLAN. Valid values are "Enabled"
and "Disabled". The default value is "Disabled". This property can be specified only if
the network is a shared network.



Enables or disables the network to act as a private network. Valid values are "Enabled"
and "Disabled". The default value is "Disabled".



Specifies the connection type that is formed when multiple ports are added to the

network. Valid values include "Auto" and "Failover". The default value is "Auto".



Enables or disables VLAN tag tunneling. If enabled, VLAN tags are passed through the

domain without any modification. If disabled, all tagged frames are discarded.
If multiple networks are configured on any server port, this option cannot be modified.



Default connection speed for any Ethernet connection attached to this network. Valid

values include "Auto" and "Custom". "Custom" enables the user to configure the
preferred speed. The default value is "Auto".


(required if

PrefSpeedType is


The connection speed for any Ethernet connection attached to this network. Valid

values range from 100Mb to 10Gb in 100Mb increments.



The maximum connection speed for any Ethernet connection attached to this network.
Valid values include "Unrestricted" and "Custom". "Custom" enables the user to
configure the preferred speed. The default value is "Unrestricted".


(required if

MaxSpeedType is


The maximum connection speed for any Ethernet connection attached to this network.
Valid values range from 100Mb to 10Gb in 100Mb increments.


->add network MyNewNetwork

Creates a new network, and then adds it to the domain

->add network MyNewNetwork2 UplinkSet=MyUplinkSet VLanID=145

Creates a new network and uses a shared uplink port set

->add network Network1 Private=Enabled

Configures a private network when adding a new network

->add network Network1 UplinkSet=Uplinkset1 VLANID=100


Creates a new network with a shared uplinkset and tags it as Native VLAN

->add network Network1 ConnectionMode=Failover

Creates a new network and sets the connection mode as failover

->add network Network1 VLanTunnel=Enabled

Creates a new network and enables VLAN tunneling

->add network Network1 PrefSpeedType=Custom PrefSpeed=4000

MaxSpeedType=Custom MaxSpeed=6000

Creates a new network with a preferred connection speed of 4Gb and maximum

connection speed of 6Gb