Avocent Network Device SPC420 User Manual

Page 101

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Chapter 6: Authentication Services 81


Type a number (from 1-64) in the Minimum Password Length field, or click the arrows to
select a number.


Check the Passwords Expire checkbox to require a user to change the password after a
certain number of days. Specify a number (from 1-365) in the Maximum Expiration (days)
field, or select a number.


Select Passwords must contain both alpha and numeric characters if new passwords must
contain at least one letter and one number.


Select Passwords must contain both lower and upper case characters if new passwords
must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter.


Specify the lockout policy for the authentication service:

To assign a specific number of user login attempts, check the Lockout users after invalid login
checkbox, then continue with step a.

If you leave this checkbox unchecked, unlimited user login attempts will be allowed. Skip to
the last step.


Type the number of allowable user login failures (from 1-25) in the Maximum Login
Failures field, or select it from the menu.


To permit user logins after a certain period of time, check the Automatically unlock users
after the lockout period
checkbox. Specify the lockout period (in minutes) by typing a
number from 1-1,440 in the Maximum Lockout Period (minutes) field, or choose a value
from the menu (1,440 minutes is equivalent to 24 hours).

If you leave this checkbox unchecked, locked user accounts must be manually unlocked
by a DSView 3 software administrator or user administrator.

See Unlocking User Accounts on page 233.


Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.

To change custom field labels for user accounts that use internal authentication:


Click the Users tab.


Click Authentication Services in the top navigation bar. The User Authentication Services
window will open.


Click DSView Internal. The side navigation bar will change to include DSView Internal at the
top and, below the name, information you may define.


Click Custom Field Labels in the side navigation bar. The Authentication Service User
Account Custom Field Labels - DSView Internal window will open.


Type the text that you wish to appear in each of the six custom field labels.


Click Save and then click Close. The User Authentication Services window will open.

By default, the custom field labels do not display in the User Accounts - All window, but they may
be added to the display (or added to the default display by an administrator), using the Customize
link. See Using the Customize link in windows on page 28.