Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual
Page 65

IM WX11-01E
Assign all channels that are set on GateCONTROL by default. The channels that
can be assigned differ according to the model and control mode.
The RUN/STOP channels and other quantities depend on the GateCONTROL
The maximum and minimum output values, decimal place, units, and other
parameters are assigned according to attributes set in channel detail settings (see
section 2.4).
• When you move the controller over the temperature controller, the cursor changes to
Note that the controller cannot be assigned when displayed as
• You can only assign controllers to temperature controllers.
• To delete the controller assignment from temperature controller parts, see section 2.30,
“Editing Objects.”
Edtng from the Propertes Dalog Box
Click the Edt icon under Objects in the EDIT page of the operation panel, or click
the Edt button in the object bar.
In the Edit area, select the temperature controller parts you wish to edit.
Choose Edt > Propertes or right-click and select Properties.
The Temperature Controller Parts properties dialog box opens.
Turn ON/OFF the area for displaying PV events
and TIME events of the temperature controller
Turn ON/OFF the area for displaying items
such as the segment number of the temperature
controller (UP
When OFF, outputs from the dialog box.
When ON, the edit box is displayed in the
objects area, and the edited values are output.
Move the cursor to the item you wish to edit, then enter a setting.
Click the OK button.
2.22 Creatng Temperature Controller Parts