Index – Yokogawa DAQWORX User Manual
Page 18

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If you are using DAQEXPLORER as the monitor server, click the System No.
box then enter the system number
set on the DAQEXPLORER. This setting is
unnecessary if your monitor server is DAQ32 Plus or DAQLOGGER, and the
value is fixed at 0 in those cases.
1 This is the same number that DAQ Desktop on the DAQEXPLORER assigns to the
DX100, DX200, MV100, or MV200’s mounted to it. The default value is 0. A value from 0
to 15 can be entered.
Click the Steps box and enter the number of steps
2 This value represents the length of data to be acquired at a time from the host. The
default value is 1, and a value from 1 to 120 can be entered. Enter 1 to have the all the
data acquired at once, 2 to acquire every other data point, 3 to acquire every third data
point, and so on.
To automatically download host information, click Get Info under Details. When
you click Get Info, Builder connects to the specified host
and automatically
downloads information for the tag and color items on the Channel page (explained
on next page). The indicator changes to yellow when information is being
downloaded. It changes to blue when the downloading of the information is
complete. If you do not click Get Info, you can manually enter settings for the tag
and color on the Channel page later on.
3 To download information from the host (monitor server), the monitor server must be
started on the host computer. If after clicking Get Info the tag and color settings do not
appear or match those set on the host, check whether the monitor server is currently
running on the host computer.
Once these settings are downloaded, settings are complete for host number
To add a host, click the Add button. A new row for host number 0001 appears
below the row for host number 0000.
Follow steps 3–8 to enter the host settings for the new host.
To delete a host, select it then click the Delete button.
• The maximum number of servers and hosts that can be set is 16 and 128 respectively.
• The host number is fixed within a range from 0000 to 0127 and cannot be changed.
2.4 Enterng Host and Channel Settngs