Yokogawa DR240 User Manual

Page 250

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IM DR232-01E



14.1 Specifications of DR232/DR242 and DS400/DS600

Filename when saving data

8 ASCII characters input. However, when saving the measured/computed values using trigger
repeat, 5 ASCII characters input (last 3 letters are set automatically from 001 to 208.)

Optional Math Function

Computation types

Types: Four arithmetical operations, SQR(square root), ABS(absolute value), LOG(common
logarithm), LN(natural logarithm), EXP(exponent), statistical computation*, logical computation
(AND, OR, NOT, and XOR), relational computation, exponentiation, previously-measured value
reference, hold**, and reset
* Statistical computation

CLOG: Computation process of simultaneously measured values within a group (total,
maximum, minimum, average, and maximum - minimum)
TLOG: Computation process of a specific channel over time axis (total, maximum, minimum,
average, and maximum - minimum)
Statistical computation interval: Set by the event/action function


Temporary suspending of computation and temporary hold of the computed result
During statistical computation, resume the computation from the hold point after the hold is

Number of channels for computing (Number of channels that can be allocated for
computational purposes.)

: 60ch maximum

Computation interval

Every measurement interval (except when the computation becomes too difficult to be processed
every measured interval, in which case an alarm is generated)

Significant digits during computation



Significant digits of the computed result

-9,999,999 to +99,999,999 (Decimal point can be set to have 1 to 4 digits on the right of the
decimal point)

Input from communication interface

Digital value (ASCII numerical array) input from the communication interface can be handled as
computational data

Computation start/stop

Can be controlled by communication commands, M.FUNC key operation, and event/action
function (such as M.FUNC key operation, remote control signal, timespecified, and alarm status)

Other functions included in the math function: Remote RJC

Input type: Thermocouple (TC)
Accuracy: (Twice the measurement accuracy of the standard thermocouple input) + (temperature
difference between the terminal of the remote terminal section and thermocouple section for
measuring the remote terminal temperature)
Thermocouple burnout: not selectable

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