Yokogawa DR240 User Manual
Page 128

IM DR232-01E
Setting the Recording Conditions
Selecting the Alarm Items
Although up to four alarm headings can be set per channel, this setting specifies the number of the
heading which will be printed. The default setting is 1.
If the instrument is equipped with the optional computation function or floppy disk drive, this
setting can also be made for computation channels A01 to A60.
For details on alarm settings, see 8.1, “Setting Alarms and Relays (including internal switches”
(on page 8-1).
Selecting the Alarm Printout (ALARM PR)
This setting can be selected from the following. The default setting is ON2.
OFF: Alarm printout will not be carried out;
ON1: Alarms will only be printed out on occurrence.
The alarm occurrence mark, channel No. or tag, type of alarm, alarm heading or time of
occurrence will be printed with trend recordings.
ON2: Alarms will both be printed out on occurrence and release.
The alarm occurrence/release mark, channel No. or tag, type of alarm, alarm heading or time of
occurrence/release will be printed with trend recordings.
Alarm Printout Buffer
• Analog Trend Mode
Up to 30 alarm occurrences/releases can be stored in memory.
• Information on more than 30 alarm occurrences/releases will be discarded. After one alarm
printout, 29 alarm occurrences/releases are stored and another alarm occurrence/release can
then be stored.
• If 31 alarm occurrences/releases (exceeding the allowed number of 30) are entered, an
asterisk (*) will be printed at the top of the alarm message when 30 alarm printouts are
• The alarm buffer clear function is available for canceling the stored alarm printout
information (see page 9-17).
• Logging Mode
Up to 10 alarm occurrences/releases can be stored in memory.
• Information on more than 10 alarm occurrences/releases will be discarded.
• If 11 alarm occurrences/releases (exceeding the allowed number of 10) are entered, an
asterisk (*) will be printed at the top of the alarm message when 10 alarm printouts are
• The alarm buffer clear function is available for canceling the stored alarm printout
information (see page 9-17).
Selecting a Message Printout
This setting specifies whether to print a message on alarm occurrence, and if so, which message
will be printed. The default setting is OFF.
OFF: No message will be printed.
Message No.
This setting can be selected from 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19 and 20. When a message No. has been selected where no message has been entered,
printout will not be carried out.
For details on setting messages, refer to 6.7 on page 6-15.
6.5 Setting the Alarm Printout