Testing connections – Watlow MLS User Manual
Page 40

28 MLS User’s Guide
3. Plug the AIM communications cable into the slot on the MLS-PM
labeled "To AIM".
4. Plug the other end of the AIM communications cable into the slot on
the MLS-AIM labeled "Tel 1". (The slot is on top of the V/F card.)
Do not turn on the AC power now. Test the connec-
tions first, as explained below.
5. Connect AC power wires to the MLS-PS.
6. Connect "
" terminal on MLS AIM to frame Ground.
Testing Connections
Reversed polarity or incorrect voltage to the PM
or AIM will damage your MLS, and you will need
to return it to Watlow-Anafaze for repair. Please
don't damage your unit! Read this section com-
pletely and follow the steps below before you apply
power to your MLS.
1. Unplug TB1 (the green block which contains the Ex, GND, and +V
terminals) from the MLS-PM.
2. Unplug the AIM cards from the AIM-TB:
Carefully insert a screwdriver in the hole on the side of the AIM's
metal jacket.
Gently press the screwdriver blade against the metal standoffs which
separate the AIM cards.
Continue pressing gently until the AIM cards pop loose from the
plastic bracket that holds them in place. Then, carefully grasp the
AIM cards by the edges and remove them from the metal bracket.
You have removed the parts of the MLS which will be
damaged by excess voltage, so turn on the AC power
and use a voltmeter to check voltages:
3. Touch the meter Common lead to the "COM" terminal on the MLS-
PM (the green block with the wires). The voltage on the "+V" termi-
nal of the MLS-PM should be +10 to 28 Vdc. The voltage on the
"EX" terminal of the MLS-PM should read 0 Vdc.
4. If the voltages are within the limits described above:
Turn off the power.
Plug TB1 (the green block which contains the screw terminals) back
into the MLS-PM.