Wiring recommendations – Watlow MLS User Manual

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MLS User’s Guide 25

Wiring Recommendations

This section gives general wiring recommendations.


Never wire bundles of low power Watlow-Anafaze
circuits next to bundles of high power AC wiring.
Instead, physically separate high power circuits
from the controller. If possible, install high voltage
AC power circuits in a separate panel.

Use stranded wire. (Use solid wire for fixed service; it makes inter-

mittent connections when you move it for maintenance.)

Use #18 or #20 AWG wire. Larger or smaller sizes may be difficult

to install, may break easily, or may cause intermittent connections.

Use shielded wire. (The electrical shield protects the MLS from

electrical noise.) Connect one end of the input wiring shield to the
MLS panel's 120 Vac panel ground, and connect one end of the out-
put wiring shield
to the MLS panel's 120 Vac panel ground. (If
your system requires a different shield configuration, contact Wat-
low-Anafaze for more information.)

For more information about noise suppression, see Noise Suppression.