Cursors on math functions – Teledyne LeCroy LabMaster 10Zi Operators Manual User Manual
Page 114

LabMaster 10 Zi Oscilloscopes
922561-00 Rev A
mark the Track checkbox which allows you to move your Position 1 cursor
(using the touch-screen display or front panel control) and have both
cursors then move together and maintaining their relative distance from
their originally specified positions.
The Show controls display cursor value results on the signal's corresponding
Trace Descriptor label as follows:
Absolute - The Trace Descriptor label shows specific voltages for the
position location values provided.
Delta - The Trace Descriptor label shows the difference between the
specific voltages for the position location values provided.
Abs+Delta - The Trace Descriptor label shows both the specific
voltages and the difference between the specific voltages for the
position location values provided.
Slope - The Trace Descriptor label calculates the slope based on the
position location values provided.
Cursors on Math Functions
You can place cursors on a math function whose X-axis has a dimension
other than time (FFT, for example). With a Math trace setup for either an
FFT or a Histogram, if you then access the Standard Cursors dialog
(Measure → Cursors Setup...) , an X-Axis control is made available where
you can choose from available units. The following shows cursors on a
histogram and therefore an appropriate selection for V (histo) is available.