IAI America E-Con User Manual
Page 48
(5) Push
Selects either the Positioning Mode or Push Mode.
The initial value is set as 0.
0: Positioning Mode (=normal operation)
Other than 0: Push mode (%)
Input the current limit value to be applied to the servo motor when the work part is
pushed in the Push Mode. The rated thrust of the actuator is multiplied by this value
to determine the push force at standstill. Note that this value of push force at
standstill is only a guide.
Standard Push Force X Current Limit Value (%)
Rough Standard of Push Force During Hold
Use standard setting of about 70% current limit value for push force. For normal
operation, keep the push force setting above a value of 30%.
If push force is too weak, there is possibility that the push load to be undetected.
(6) Positioning
As for the positioning band, depending on the value set in the position band (5th)
column, either 0 or other than 0, its function will vary.
(A) Push = 0 (Positioning Mode)
Input the positioning completion detection band (distance to the target position) in
the Positioning Mode. [mm]
The distance to the target position indicates the distance corresponding to the value
input here before the target position, and once the actuator enters this range,
positioning complete signal is output. Positioning complete signal will output when
the actuator arrives at the designed position in the point table.
The initial value is set as 0.1 mm (see diagram A).
(B) Push = with a value greater than 0 (Push Mode)
Inputs the maximum push load distance from the given point in push mode (mm)
(see diagram B).
When the push direction is a negative direction pull from the displayed coordinate, a
“minus” sign should be placed next to the input value.
(A) Push = 0
(B) Push = other than 0
Transfer distance
Transfer distance