Caution – IAI America E-Con User Manual

Page 4

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(1) Hold · Servo ON Signal

When operating the E-Con Controller, you will need to turn ON the Hold & Servo ON signal Input
Signal of PIO.

In case the Hold Stop Input Signal of PIO remains OFF, E-CON will not move due to hold status.
Therefore, please be careful.

(2) Although the exterior of the power supply 100V type controller and 200V type controller is the

same, applying 200V to the 100 type controller will cause damage. Please be extra careful when
connecting power.

(3) Position 0 may be output regardless of the actual position. At the timings specified below, the

positioning completion signal turns ON no matter where the actual position is. As a result, the
output status becomes “Position 0.”
1. When the power is turned on
2. When the emergency stop is reset
3. When the alarm is reset
4. When a reset is performed after hold

Be extra careful when using Position 0.

(4) With the absolute type, 0E5 (Encoder Reception Error) will be displayed under certain conditions,

such as when the power is first turned on after disconnecting the battery or PG cable. This
display does not indicate fault. Perform an absolute reset in accordance with the specified

(5) Recommendation for backing up latest data

This controller uses nonvolatile memory to store position table data and parameters. Although
data in the memory is retained even after the power is cut off, the stored data will be lost if the
nonvolatile memory is damaged.

It is therefore recommended that you regularly back up the latest position table data and
parameters in case of accidental data loss. Regular backup will also let you restore data quickly
if the controller must be replaced for other reasons.

Use the following methods to back up data:
[1] Use the PC software to save the data to a CD or FD.
[2] Create a position table sheet or parameter sheet and keep a written record of backup.