Atec Agilent-J2300E User Manual

Agilent technologies, Agilent advisor - atm/wan

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Agilent Technologies

Agilent Advisor - ATM/WAN

Technical Specification

ATM/WAN Testing Made Easy......................... page 2
Key ATM Features and Functionality............ page 2
Key WAN Features and Functionality.......... page 3
Key General Features and Functionality.... page 3
LAN over WAN, and LAN (over WAN).......... page 4
over ATM
Aquisition Systems................................................... page 5
Dual Simultaneous Analysis............................... page 6
ATM Testing.................................................................. page 7
WAN Testing................................................................ page 22

Packet over SONET/SDH.................................. page 23
Frame Relay ............................................................. page 24 45
X.25................................................................................. page 51
PPP (Point to Point Protocol)........................... page 51
SMDS (Optional)..................................................... page 52
ATM 52
V5.1/V5.2 52

Async/BiSync Protocol 53

Physical 56
BERT (Bit Error Ratio Testing) 57

Module Support................................................ page 60

ATM and WAN Interface Specifications.... page 61
Remote Operation.................................................... page 87
General Specifications.......................................... page 87

Significant New Enhancements


All BERT applications in one common GUI for the following interfaces:
V-Series, J5457A-High Speed V-Series, J2294D, J2296D, J2298D, J4646A,
J4647A, J4648A and J4649A


E1/T1 Interfaces: J3759A/B (E3/T3), J3762B (HSSI) Includes a new
4000-byte user defined pattern


Protocol Distribution Application: Network, transport, and application
layer protocol statistics over Frame Relay, HDLC and PPP.


SLIP: The SLIP application allows Serial Link IP analysis within the
Advisor WAN application architecture. Capture filter, display filter,
searching, decodes and stats are supported. All file operations are
supported. Supported interfaces are “legacy” Advisor V series
interfaces ONLY when a new T1/E1 D series module is installed.
It will not work with J5457A High Speed V-Series module.


AAL5 CRC Statistics: The ATM application counts AAL5 CRC errors.
Errors are counted on a per VP/VC basis