GE Industrial Solutions 6KCV300WPD User Manual
Page 34
5 . 7 . 4 R e s i z i n g i t e m s
Basic blocks can be resized. This is done by the following steps:
Select the block. It will be surrounded by a red rectangle.
Move the mouse to one of the border lines or corners of the red rectangle. The cursor will change to a
double arrow.
Hold down the left mouse key and move the mouse to the new size.
Release the left mouse key after the required size was achieved.
If the block is getting too small to display texts they will not be displayed. Resizing is always done in grid
units. There is a minimum size that is defined by the number of ports.
D e l e t i n g i t e m s
Selected items can be deleted by
Delete from the Edit menu or pressing the
All items of the schematic will be removed by the Remove All item of the Edit menu.
NOTE: There is no undo feature, therefore deleting should be done carefully.
R o t a t i n g B l o c k s
Each block can be rotated to all four 90” positions. The image of the block is not changed and the text is
always from left to right. The rotation is selected by a dialog box that is opened after selecting one block,
opening the context-sensitive menu by pressing
right mouse button and then selecting the Rotate.. item.
Figure Rotate Block Dialog
The required rotation can be selected by the radio buttons. OK performs the change while Cancel leaves
everything unchanged.