Xerox 701P40016 User Manual
Page 103

Guide to Printing Using Xerox Production Print Services
Job ticket options
Specifying anti-aliasing
The [Anti-aliasing] field allows you to alleviate any aliasing
problem that may occur in an image. Aliasing means inaccurate
rendition of line width and position, and a jagged appearance on
the edges of images. If anti-aliasing is enabled, the system uses
intermediate levels of imaging intensity to improve the accuracy
of line width and reduce the jagged effect.
To enable anti-aliasing, select [On] from the Anti-aliasing pop-up
Entering Job Notes
The [Job Notes...] icon opens the Job Notes window, which
enables you to enter information about the print job. This
information is available to the printer operator and prints on the
banner sheet with the job. Only the [Job name] and [From] fields
require entries.
The fields that are available on the Job Notes dialog box vary,
depending on your printer type.
[Job Name]: Enter the name of the document that you want
to print.
If you want to place a document file name automatically in the
[Job Name] field whenever you open this dialog box, follow
these steps:
1. Select a file that you want to print. Refer to “Selecting a
file for printing,” earlier in this chapter, for the procedure.
2. In the Job Ticket dialog box, select [Options...].
3. In the User Preferences dialog box, select the [Use the
Document Name as the Default Job Name] check box.
4. Select [Save].
[From]: Indicates the name of the document sender. Your
network login name appears in this text box as the default. If
desired, enter a different name.
[Deliver To]: Indicates the intended recipient of the
document. Your network login name appears in this text box
as the default. If desired, you may enter a different name.
[Account]: Enter the name of the account that will be billed
for the current job.