Be handled by the setting of, When mail that, Requests fax forwarding is received” on the “e – Muratec MFX-2030 User Manual
Page 138: Mail settings, Rather than this setting
Using the Admin Tools
“When mail
that requests
fax forwarding
is received”
This sets whether or not to honor requests for forwarding
received e-mail as faxes.
• “Reject forwarding request”
Denys forwarding requests
• “Accept forwarding request”
Accept forwarding requests
[Setting Security for Fax Forwarding]
This is set when fax forwarding requests are accepted, but
this is restricted to requests from specific e-mail addresses
and domain names. Up to five can be registered.
Click the [Setting Security for fax forwarding], then register
in the “Setting Security for Fax Forwarding” dialog.
NOTE: If you check “Accept forwarding requests” but do not
set the “Security for Fax Forwarding”, then all e-mail
requesting fax forwarding is forwarded.
Initialize the e-mail settings. The settings will return to the fac-
tory default setting.