FUJITSU T5440 User Manual

Page 133

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Servicing Customer-Replaceable Units



3. Perform the following steps to verify the repair:

a. Set the virtual keyswitch to diag so that POST will run in Service mode.

b. Power cycle the system.

Note –

The server takes about one minute to power off. Use the show /HOST

command to determine when the host has been powered off. The console will display
status=Powered Off


c. Switch to the system console to view POST output.

Watch the POST output for possible fault messages. The following output is a
sign that POST did not detect any faults:

-> set /SYS/MB/CPU0/CMP0/BR0/CH0/D0 component_state=Enabled

-> set /SYS/keyswitch_state=Diag

Set ‘keyswitch_state’ to ‘Diag’

-> stop /SYS

Are you sure you want to stop /SYS (y/n)? y

Stopping /SYS

-> start /SYS

Are you sure you want to start /SYS (y/n)? y

Starting /SYS

-> start /SYS/console





0:0:0> POST Passed all devices.

0:0:0>POST: Return to VBSC.

0:0:0>Master set ACK for vbsc runpost command and spin...