3 au-e-sa standalone access unit – Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
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Chapter 2 - Installation
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
Table 2-2: Access Unit ODU Types
AU-E-ODU (all bands
except 0.9 GHz)
A rectangular enclosure (30.5 x 11.7 x 5.7 cm) with a connection
to an external antenna (not included). Not available in the 0.9
GHz band. HW revision D or lower.
(0.9 GHz units only)
A diamond shaped enclosure (22 x 22 x 7 cm) with a connection
to an external antenna (not included). The smaller size new AU-E-
ODU (HW revision F) is currently available only in the 0.9 GHz
Pole mounting kit for the AU-ODU (the kit for the new, smaller-size ODU is
different from the kit for all other ODUs)
RF cable BS-PS-AC Power Supply
Up to two BS-PS-AC power supply modules can be included in each Base Station
chassis. The BS-PS-AC installation kit includes the following components:
BS-PS-AC power supply module
Mains power cord BS-PS-DC Power Supply
Up to two BS-PS-DC power supply modules can be included in each Base Station
chassis. The BS-PS-DC installation kit includes the following components:
BS-PS-DC power supply module
DC power cable AU-E-SA
Standalone Access Unit
The AU-E-SA installation kit includes the following components:
IDU indoor unit with a wall mounting kit
Mains power cord
AU-ODU outdoor unit: