Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
Page 147

Menus and Parameters
Operation and Administration
Transmitted wireless to Ethernet: The number of frames transmitted by the
unit to the Ethernet port. These are generally frames received from the
wireless side, but also include frames generated by the unit itself. WLAN Counters
The unit submits data frames received from the Ethernet port to the internal
bridge, as well as self generated control and wireless management frames. After a
unicast data frame is transmitted, the unit waits for an acknowledgement (ACK)
message from the receiving unit. Some control and wireless management frames,
as well as broadcast and multicast frames sent to more than one unit, are not
acknowledged. If an ACK is not received after a predefined time, which is
determined by the Maximum Cell distance parameter, the unit retransmits the
frame until an ACK is received. If an ACK is not received before the number of
retransmissions has reached a maximum predefined number, which is
determined by the Number of HW Retries parameter, the frame is dropped.
Each packet to be transmitted to the wireless link is transferred to one of three
queues: Low, Medium and High. Packets in the High queue have the highest
priority for transmission, and those in the Low queue have the lowest priority.
The packets in the High queue will be transmitted first. When this queue is
emptied, the packets in the Medium queue will be sent. Finally, when both the
High and Medium queues are empty, the packets in the Low queue will be sent.
Data packets are routed to either the High or Low queue, according to the queue
selected for them before the MIR/CIR mechanism (for more information see
Broadcasts/multicasts are routed to the Medium queue (applicable only for AU).
Control and wireless management frames generated in the unit are routed to the
High queue.
Any frame coming from the Ethernet port, which is meant to reach another
BreezeACCESS VL unit via the wireless port (as opposed to messages intended for
stations behind other BreezeACCESS VL units), is sent to the High queue,
regardless of the priority configuration.
The Wireless Link Counters include the following statistics:
Total transmitted frames to wireless: The number of frames transmitted to
the wireless medium. The total includes one count for each successfully
transmitted unicast frame (excluding retransmissions), and the number of
transmitted multicast and broadcast frames, including control and wireless
management frames. In the AU, there are also separate counters for the
Beacons (AU only)