Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
Page 233

Menus and Parameters
Operation and Administration
For example: 8900,9000-9005,9010,9016-9017.
Delete All UDP Port Ranges: This option enables deleting all UDP port
ranges from the list of priority port numbers.
Show UDP Port Ranges: Select this option to view the current UDP
RTP/RTCP Prioritization option and the list of UDP Port Ranges. TCP Port Ranges
The TCP Port Ranges menu enables defining port ranges to be used as priority
classifiers when the UDP/TCP Port Ranges Prioritization Option is set to either
Enable Only for TCP or Enable for both UDP and TCP. All packets whose
destination is included in the list will be routed to the High queue. All other
packets will be routed to the Low queue (unless they were assigned a High
priority by another classifier).
The TCP Port Ranges menu includes the following options:
TCP RTP/RTCP Prioritization: Voice over IP is transported using Real Time
Protocol (RTP). The Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) is used to control the
RTP. When an application uses RTP/RTCP, it chooses for destination ports
consecutive numbers: RTP port is always an even number, and the port with
the odd number following it will be assigned to RTCP.
If the administrator selects to prioritize only the RTP packets, then all the
packets with an odd numbered destination port will always have Low priority.
The packets with an even number for destination port will receive High
priority, if the port number is included in the specified ranges.
If the administrator selects to prioritize both RTP and RTCP packets, then all
packets whose destination port number is included in the specified ranges will
receive High priority.
The available options are:
RTP Only
The default is RTP & RTCP
Add TCP Port Ranges: This option enables adding TCP port ranges to the list
of priority port numbers. The list can include up to 64 ranges. It is possible to
add discrete port numbers and/or ranges. In ranges, a hyphen is used to