Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual

Page 190

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Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration

BreezeACCESS VL System Manual


This setting defines the sector’s topography


0 – LOS: Units have clear line of sight between them


1 – Near LOS: Units have minor obstacles in their path, which are easily

avoidable through multipath


2 – Non LOS: Units are obstructed and the signal must travel through longer

paths or less permisive media Minimum

Desired Performance

This setting defines the minimum throughput that must be ensured when
optimizing the achievable distance. Not applicable when the Optimize
Performance for Minimum Desired Distance optimization criterion is used.

The available range is from 500 to 6000 (kbps).

The default is 3000 (kbps).

Minimum Desired Distance

This setting defines the minimum achievable distance that must be reached when
optimizing the throughput. Not applicable when the Optimize Distance for
Minimum Desired Performance optimization criterion is used.

The available range is from 500 to 54000 (meters).

The default is 3000 (meters). Channel

Selection Optimization Criteria

This setting allows you to select the optimization mechanism that will be


0 – Optimize Performance for Minimum Desired Distance: Ensures the best

throughput while preserving the Minimum Desired Distance


1 – Optimize Distance for Minimum Desired Performance: Ensures the best

achievable distance while preserving the Minimum Desired Performance Scanning


This setting defines the output of the analysis proces performed by the
Interference Mitigation mechanism:


0 – Clear Channel Selection + Automatic Noise Floor Selection: For optimizing

both the operating channel and noise floor level (AU only)