Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
Page 134

Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
Table 4-3: Parameters that are not changed after Set Partial Factory/Operator
Parameters Group
Network Management Parameters
Wi2 IP Address (SU)
Performance Parameters
Adaptive Modulation Decision Thresholds
Bridge Parameters
VLAN ID – Management
Service Provider VLAN ID (SU)
VLAN QinQ Protocol Ethertype
MAC Address List (AU)
MAC Address List Action (AU)
Service Parameters
DRAP Option (AU)
UDP Port (AU)
Max Number of Voice Calls (AU)
Wireless Link Prioritization Option (AU)
Low Priority AIFS (AU)
Number of HW Retries for High Priority Traffic (AU)
Number of HW Retries for Low Priority Traffic (AU)
AU Burst Duration for High Priority Traffic (AU)
AU Burst Duration for Low Priority Traffic (AU)
SU Burst Duration for High Priority Traffic (AU)
SU Burst Duration for Low Priority Traffic (AU)
Low Priority Traffic Minimum Percent
Country Code Parameters Selected
Code Set
Complete Operators Defaults
Select this option to reset the unit to the Operator Defaults configuration,
excluding several parameters that are listed in Table 4-2.