Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
Page 204

Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
172 Service Provider Link
A Service Provider Link transfers both single tagged frames (Service Provider tag)
and double-tagged frames (Service Provider tag + Customer tag). The Service
Provider tag includes the Service Provider VLAN ID and the VLAN QinQ
The following tables summarize the functionality of the SU/AU data port for a
Service Provider Link.
Table 4-10: VLAN Data Port Functionality for SU - Service Provider Link
Data Port –SU
Accept from Ethernet
Untagged frames
Single tagged frames:
If Forwarding is disabled
If Forwarding is enabled, only frames with VLAN ID values
which are included in the Forwarding List
Accept from Wireless
Single tagged frames: only frames with a Service Provider tag
whose parameters match the Service Provider parameters
defined in the unit (Service Provider VLAN ID and VLAN QinQ
Double tagged frames: only frames with a Service Provider tag
whose parameters match the Service Provider parameters
defined in the unit (Service Provider VLAN ID and VLAN QinQ
Ethertype). If Forwarding is enabled, only frames with Customer
VLAN ID values that are included in the Forwarding List
Tag Insert
Service Provider (SP) tag (to wireless)
Tag Remove
Yes (to Ethernet)