7 security parameters – Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual

Page 239

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Menus and Parameters

Operation and Administration

207 Security


BreezeACCESS VL systems can support encryption of authentication messages
and/or data frames using one of the following encryption standards:


WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy algorithm. WEP is defined in the IEEE 802.11

Wireless LAN standard and is based on the RSA’s RC4 encryption algorithm.


AES OCB Advanced Encryption Standard. AES is defined by the National

Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and is based on Rijndael block
cipher. AES OCB (Offset Code Book) is a mode that operates by augmenting
the normal encryption process by incorporating an offset value.


FIPS 197 is certified for compliance with Federal Information Processing

Standards. It provides encryption and message integrity in one solution and
implements the Advanced Encryption Standard using Rijndael block cipher.


The FIPS 197 encryption algorithm is a licensed feature, and is available only in units with the
required license. FIPS 197 can be supported only in Access Units with HW revision C or higher.
FIPS 197 feature license is not available for AUS unit.

The following parameters are available through the Security Parameters menu (in
certain units some or all of the security options may not be available):


Authentication Algorithm


Data Encryption Option


Security Mode


Default Key (SU only)


Default Multicast Key (AU only)


Key # 1 to Key # 4


Promiscuous Authentication (AU only) Authentication Algorithm

The Authentication Algorithm option determines the operation mode of the
selected unit. The following two options are available: