Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
Page 188

Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
The default calculation mode is Fully Automatic, using only the built-in
mechanism. If you experience problems in the wireless link such as excessively
long association process or very low throughput, it may be caused by errors in
noise floor calculation. In this case, it is recommended to perform a Spectrum
Analysis (see section on page 150) and view the Average Noise Floor
values. If the calculated Noise Floor is lower by more than 5 dB from the expected
value, it is recommended to change the calculation mode to Automatic with
Minimum Value, using the expected value as the minimum (Forced Value).
Note that if the SNR of received signals is very low (typically below 10 dB), it is
recommended to maintain the default calculation mode (Fully Automatic).
Changing the calculation mode to Automatic with Minimum Value may result in
loss of connectivity with units for which the calculated SNR before the change
was relatively low.
The Noise Floor Calculation Parameters submenu includes the following options: Calculation Mode
The Calculation Mode defines the method used for calculation the Noise Floor
value to be used by the device for estimating the quality of received signals. The
available options are:
Fully Automatic: According to the built-in noise floor calculation
Forced: The Noise Floor value is set manually to the value configured for the
Forced Value parameter (see below). Typically this mode should be used only
for special testing purposes.
Automatic with Minimum Value: If the calculated Noise Floor using the
built-in mechanism is higher than the value configured for the Forced Value
parameter, the calculated value will be used. Otherwise, the Forced Value will
be used.
The default option is Fully Automatic. Forced Value
The Forced Value parameter enables configuring the Noise Floor to be used if the
selected Calculation Mode is Forced. This is also the minimum value to be used if
the selected Calculation Mode is Automatic with Minimum Value.
If you decided to change the calculation mode to Automatic with Minimum Value
and you still experience problems in the link (long association time, exceptionally
low throughput), try to improve it by increasing the configured Forced Value.
The available range is from -107 to -55 (dBm)