Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual
Page 189

Menus and Parameters
Operation and Administration
The default value is:
5 MHz bandwidth: -102 (dBm)
10 MHz bandwidth: -99 (dBm)
20 MHz bandwidth: -96 (dBm) Show Noise Floor Calculation
Select this option to view the current values of the Noise Floor Calculation
parameters and the Noise Floor Current Value (the actual current value used by
the device). Interference Mitigation (VL 900 only)
The Interference Mitigation functionality allows users to configure the unit’s
operating channel and noise floor level in order to meet particular requirements
regarding throughput and distance. The unit will scan and analyse the 900 MHz
spectrum, and, depending on the detected noise levels, it will choose an optimal
operating channel and noise floor level.
There are two types of optimization mechanisms available. The unit can either
find settings that will ensure the best range for a given throughput or settings
that will ensure the best throughput for a given range. Based on the sector’s
topography, the unit estimates a theoretical link budget, and matches it against
the noise levels detected during the scan to identify the settings that best meet
the user’s requirements.
The Interference Mitigation offers a quick and efficient mechanism for setting up
access units in the noisy environment of the 900 MHz band, when the operator
doesn’t have the time or the expertise required for a full spectrum analysis and
channel optimization. For optimal results however, a thorough radio planning
performed by a radio specialist is always recommended.
Upon activating the Interference Mitigation, the unit will automatically reset. The unit will enter
passive scanning mode for a definite period of time, during which information will be gathered.
During the information-gathering period, the unit will not receive nor transmit data. Also, it will not
be able to synchronize/associate, meaning that it cannot be managed via the wireless link. At the
end of the period, the unit will reset automatically regaining normal operability upon start up. Basic Settings
The Basic Settings menu is used for collecting the primary input required for the
analysis process. Installation Model