7 link capability – Alvarion BREEZEACCESS SW VERSION 5.1 User Manual

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Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration

BreezeACCESS VL System Manual


Per Modulation Level counters were reset. The average is calculated using the
SUCCESS count at each modulation level as weights.

For AUs, the SUCCESS and FAILED counts are provided for each of the
associated SUs, which are identified by their MAC address. Link


The Link Capability option provides information on HW and SW capabilities of
relevant units. In an AU, the information provided in the Link Capability reports
is for all associated SUs. In an SU, the Link Capability reports include
information on all AUs in the neighboring AUs table (all AUs with whom the SU
can communicate).

The Link Capability feature enables to adapt the configuration of the unit
according to the capabilities of other relevant unit(s) to ensure optimal operation.

The Link Capability submenu includes the following options: Show Link Capability-General

Select this option to view information on general parameters of relevant units. For
each relevant unit, identified by its MAC address, the following details are


HwVer: the hardware version of the unit.


CpldVer: The version of the Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) used

in the unit. This parameter is available only in AUs, displaying the CPLD
version in the relevant SU.


Country: The 3 or 4 digits country code supported by the unit.


SwVer: The SW version used by the unit. This parameter is available only in

SUs, displaying the SW version in the relevant AU.


BootVer: The Boot Version of the unit. This parameter is available only in

AUs, displaying the Boot version in the relevant SU. Show Link Capability-Wireless Link Configuration

Select this option to view information on current wireless link parameters of
relevant units. For each relevant unit, identified by its MAC address, the following
details are displayed:


ATPC Option: Enable or Disable.


Adaptive Modulation Option: Enable or Disable.