Advanced connection options -4, Logging off and ending a remote desktop session -4 – Anritsu Series MS278XB User Manual

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Remote Desktop

Remote Operation



Unless this was changed, you should be able to login using this user name and password.

6. After a successful login, you will see the desktop of Signature and you can remotely perform all of

the tasks on the analyzer that you could normally perform locally.

Advanced Connection Options

Connection settings such as screen size, automatic logon information, and performance options can be
configured before you start your remote Connection. You can expand the Remote Desktop Connection
dialog by clicking on the Options >> button.

Connection setting may also be saved and recalled by using the Save As and Open buttons.

Logging Off and Ending a Remote Desktop Session

In the Remote Desktop Connection window, click Start, and then click Disconnect.

Note: While Signature is being remotely controlled, the local screen will blank out and local controls will cease to

be effective. Local control can be taken back by logging back into the machine with the password: 2780
(unless you have changed the password setting).

Figure 7-4.

Advanced Remote Desktop Connection Dialog

Note: A Remote Desktop file (.rdp) file contains all of the information for a connection to a remote computer,

including the Options settings that were configured when the file was saved. You can customize any
number of .rdp files, including files for connecting to the same computer with different settings. For
example, you can save a file that connects to MyComputer in full screen mode and another file that
connects to the same computer in 800x600 screen size. By default, .rdp files are saved in the My
Documents | Remote Desktops folder. To edit an .rdp file and change the connections settings it contains,
right-click the file, then click Edit.