Code domain power measurement -43, Code domain power measurement – Anritsu Series MS278XB User Manual
Page 199

Modulation Measurements
Two key measurements for CDMA are the Code Domain Power (CDP) and Code Domain Error (CDE).
Code Domain Power Measurement
Signature can display the Code Domain Power with an optional zoom window or an optional summary table, or
both. In each case, the absolute power in each active code is shown.
The graph types are set up using the Graph Type setup dialog shown below by pressing the button for the
measurement you want. Each tab also has a check box that is usually in the lower left corner that is an option
to the measurement. In the dialog shown, the option is to include a Summary table (showing the Code Domain
Power and Error of the active codes) to each of the selected graphs. The buttons immediately switch to the
graph type selected. The check boxes are options for CPD overview.
One of the key measurements of the WCDMA signal is the power level of the pilot signal (P-CPICH). This is the
left most signal on the display in the following figures. The table view makes the power level of any code very
easy to see and markers allow for picking out individual codes from the graph.
Figure 5-20. Code Domain Power Graph Selection Dialog