Trace config menu -24, Trace config menu – Anritsu Series MS278XB User Manual
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Front Panel Menus
Trace Config Menu
The Trace Config menu lets you select the active trace, trace state, detector type, and set various trace
Note: The Trace Menu is only available in Spectrum and RF measurement modes.
Table 4-14. Trace Config Menu
Trace Select: To set the active trace, press on the Trace Select button and select the
active trace from the fly-out menu. When a trace is selected, the current trace mode is
Off unless it was previously defined.
Trace Mode: To change the trace mode, press on the Trace Mode button and select one
of the following trace states from the fly-out menu:
Clear-Write: This mode clears the trace as it writes new data.
Max-Hold: This mode writes new data that is greater than the previous sweeps.
Min-Hold: This mode writes new data that is less than the previous sweeps.
Average: This mode averages the data for each display point.
View: This mode displays the current trace value and does no further updating
Off (Blank): This mode turns the trace display off.
Default: Clear-Write for Trace1, Blank for all others
Averaging: Averaging provides two methods of averaging depending on the detector
that is selected. For Sample & RMS detectors, the averaging is done on the linear power
data before the log values are calculated for the display. For Maximum, Minimum, and
Average detectors, the averaging is done on the log power data. To change the number
of averages, press in the Averaging field and enter a new value.
Range: 1 to 10000
Resolution: 1
Default: 10
Restart: To restart the averaging count, press on the Restart button.
Detector: To change the detector type, press on the Detector Type field and select one
of the following detector types from the fly-out menu:
Auto: Auto is the default detector type and uses the Normal detector type except
as follows:
RMS when Trace Mode is set to Average or Noise Markers are active
Maximum when Trace Mode is set to Max-Hold
Minimum when Trace Mode is set to Min-Hold
Previous detector setting when Trace Mode is set to View
Normal: Combines maximum and minimum data values for the display point.
(simulates an analog display)
Maximum: Uses the maximum data value for the display point.
Minimum: Uses the minimum data value for the display point.
Sample: Uses the center data value for the display point.
Average: Averages the log(Power) data for the display point.
RMS: Averages the power data for the display point.
Inactive Traces Off: To turn off the inactive traces, press on the Inactive Traces Off
button. All of the traces not shown in the Trace Select field are turned off.