Hyundai HI4 User Manual
Page 27

1. Safety, Operation Panel, Teach Pendant (1) Safety
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1.1.7. Safety Working Procedures
Safety working procedures must be observed to prevent from any accidents. Safety
device or circuit shall not be modified and disregarded by workers or operators at
any time.
Be careful of any possible accidents caused by electric shock. All normal operations
in automatic mode must be executed outside safety fence. Prior to operation, be sure
there are no personnel within the manipulator's working envelope. Safety measure for robot operation
(1) Have the robot system operators, any workers who is possible to operate or any
superintendents attend the training courses held by Hyundai in order that they can
have a good command of safety and robot functions. Do not allow workers who do not
attend the training courses to operate the robot.
(2) Wear safety helmet, safety glass, safety boots during operation.
(3) 2 workers as a team must work together. One worker must supervise through operation
panel while another worker make teaching operation. One worker always must be in
a position to push emergency stop button while another worker execute operation
work inside or outside the operation space of the robot with sufficient cautions.
Furthermore, all the workers must have a good knowledge on escaping route before
their operation work.
(4) Supply power-on after certainly ensuring that there is no persons within operating
space of the robot.
(5) Do teaching work outside the working envelope of the robot, in principle. However,
after motor-off, you may execute work within the working envelope of the robot by
hand-carrying key switch or safety plug, which will prevent from automatic
operation which can be made by any third parties. Furthermore, pay your special
attention to direction of movements which can be made by abnormal or error situation,
if any.