Hyundai HI4 User Manual

Page 21

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1. Safety, Operation Panel, Teach Pendant (1) Safety



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tightly fixed to the floor and have the relevant structure not to easily get over

the safety fence.

(3) Safety fence shall be fixed installation type and have no dangerous elements such

as sharp edges and rough profile etc.

(4) Gate shall be installed at Safety Fence. Safety plug shall be attached to gate.

Unless unplug the safety plug from gate, gate shall not be opened. In case of

unplugging the safety plug, robot shall be motor off by interlock signal. It shall

be hard-wired to cause motors off the robot whenever the gate is opened. (Please

refer to Chapter 12.)

(5) In case of robot operation at the state of unplugging safety plug, it shall be

hard-wired to become a low speed playback mode. (Please refer to Chapter 12)

(6) Emergency stop button shall be installed at workers' easily accessible distance.

(7) If there is no safety fence, a photoelectric switch or mat switch instead of safety

plug shall be installed at all the spaces within the working range of robot. Whenever

workers enter the working range of robot, robot will be automatically stopped.

(8) Working space of robot as the dangerous area shall be clearly marked by painting

on the floor. Installation of robot and peripheral equipment

(1) Execute the connection work after ensuring the power-off status. There are many

risks of receiving electric shock due to the usage of high voltage power source

such as 220V, 440V, 80V etc. in case of primary power source connection to robot

controller or peripheral equipment.

(2) Attach the warning tag "No-Access during Operation" at the gate of safety fence

and further educate it as a precaution

(3) Locate controller, interlock panel and any other operation panels outside safety

