Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio (Dongle) User Manual

Page 439

background image



markers (



navigating, 231
playing back, 204
sorting, 231
using, 190–193
viewing in bins, 209–210

Markers tab, 230
marking gaps, 152–155
master bin, 73, 118
Master settings, 175.

See also


mattes, creating with qualifiers, 369–374

consolidating, 410–412
copying to hard drives, 412–413
relinking, 116–118

media page, 70–71
media pool

adding clips from, 266–267
hiding, 134
unhiding, 152
using, 3, 71

media storage category, pro
merge node, 268–269

See also

clip metadata

customizing, 78–79
editor, 71
type, 82

meters, reading and setting targets, 213–217
microphone, 237–240
Mid tone detail, 349
Mixer button, 225

audio, 38–41
and mastering, 188


audio, 212
panel, 225
on sets, 389

mono clips, 231, 238–239
motion graphics, 257
moving clips, 128

editing, 187
target, 213

muting audio, 40–41, 212


natural sound, 186
Nearest retime processing, 180

neutral color grade, 345–348.

See also

color grading

Node editor, 374

and curves, 318–322
graph, 353–355
shift-dragging, 268
versus tools, 262

noise reduction, applying to tracks, 247–248
non-diegetic music, 187
normalizing audio, 214–215
numbers, using with trimming, 142–143


onscreen controls, 171–172
OpenFX tab, 167–168
opening projects, 2, 66
Optical Flow retime processing, 180
Optimized Media settings, 175
Option key.


keyboard shortcuts

OS color picker, 56
out mark, clearing, 233
out point, setting, 10, 13, 18, 91, 94, 102, 104,

107–108, 123, 153

overwrite button, 95, 106
Overwrite edit overlay, 92
overwriting video only, 103–106.

See also

video track 2


pan controls, 188

closing, 67
showing and hiding, 224

panning and zooming clips, 56–57
Parade scope, 340–341
parameters, animating, 172–173
parametric equalizer, 188
Paste Attributes window, 170
Patch Input/Output window, 239
patching and adding tracks, 203–205
performance/cosmetic fixes, 256
Place on Top edit overlay, 92
play head, locating, 13
Playback options, 3, 91, 95, 148, 174
playhead position

identifying, 102
nudging, 90, 138, 212
trimming to, 135–139